Like all crypto currencies, the future of Ethereum remains uncertain, but the tone of the conversation surrounding Ethereum is different than almost any other crypto currency. Discussing the excitement, Genesis Mining’s CEO Marco Streng stated, “We believe it is headed to the moon and we are building a rocket ship to make sure our customers do not miss out”.
Ethereum is one of the fastest growing cryptocurrencies next to Bitcoin, the native digital currency which has been taking the world by storm. Just a year and half ago, the price of Ethereum was $1, now it is well over $300 with an all-time high of over $400. The rapid growth of Ethereum mining excited users who were eager not to miss out on another hyper-growth opportunity.
以太坊挖矿的价格为每MH/s为$29,低于之前的价格每MH/s为$44。对于这个价格变化,Genesis Mininig联合创始人兼首席执行官Marco Streng表示:“我们每天都在努力为200,000名客户降低挖矿的运营成本,每当有机会能为客户提供更大的投资回报潜力和价值时,我们都不会错过。”
Our Ethereum 云挖矿 farm, Enigma, is the largest Ethereum cryptocurrency mining farm in the world. We have continued to expand our Ethereum mining rigs and hardware to keep up with the growing demand. Based on desired ROI, you can choose how much hash power to have accessible during the two-year contract. State of the art GPU miners are maintained by our team of cloud hosting professionals, and you have the opportunity to leverage their work.
我们的首席技术官Stefan Schindler表示:“我们为客户持续降低价格的原因在于Enigma矿场的大量优化和规模经济。我们凭借Enigma将以太坊挖矿大量部署带入新维度,并为此感到自豪。”